If you are considering a facelift but worry about appearing unnatural, keep in mind that this is not your mother’s procedure. Facelift techniques have improved dramatically over the years, and the telltale “pullback” look is a thing of the past. The surgeons at The Plastic Surgery Center discuss the changes making facelifts an easier operation than ever before.
1. More Natural Results
In the past, it was sometimes obvious when someone had “work done,” as facelifts are euphemistically referred to. In some cases the skin seemed to be pulled back in an unusually tight manner, creating a permanent, somewhat startled look.
Today, facelift results are far more natural. After recovery, the patient appears younger and more attractive, but there is nothing that screams “plastic surgery.” Instead, think well-rested, confident, and rejuvenated.
More natural results came about due to the way plastic surgeons reposition facial muscles. Skin is not stretched as much as it was formerly, and the entire procedure is much gentler on the patient. The excess pulling has been replaced by lifting and repositioning the skin and facial muscles. Rather than stretching, the connective tissues are now tightened via sutures for facial skin re-draping.
Previous techniques provided benefits for about five years before overly tightened skin began to sag again. The modern facelift should look good for a decade or more.
2. Less Downtime
Recovering from a facelift is no longer a protracted ordeal. First, the procedure itself takes much less time. Facelifts are seldom performed in hospitals these days, followed by a stay of several days. The operation takes place in a surgery center, with patients going home after a few hours.
Lighter anesthesia is used during the operation, so patients awaken more readily and do not suffer from anesthesia hangover.
New techniques mean less swelling, which makes recovery more comfortable. The ear area often received significant bruising using old facelift techniques. That is no longer the case.
While patients should still expect a recovery period lasting one to three weeks after a facelift, more people are looking and feeling well in a one- to two-week period than before.
3. Less Scarring
A surgical procedure will leave scars, but the new lifting techniques keep facial scarring to a minimum. That means less need to hide any visible scars with hairstyles or makeup. It also means less self-consciousness about scars.
Newer techniques allow surgeons to better camouflage scars in ear creases or in the hairline.
For More Information, Contact The Plastic Surgery Center
If you would like more information about facelift techniques and the right type for your needs, contact us today and request a consultation with a member of our team. We can discuss the best procedure for your purposes and answer any questions you have. Many clients choose a brow or eyelid lift at the time of surgery to complement their facelift.