The best candidates for Breast Lift are women.

Is this you?

  • Have your breasts lost there firmness due to weight loss or pregnancy?
  • Do your breasts “sag” due to age, gravity, pregnancy or weight loss?
  • Are you unhappy with the shape of your breasts?
  • Are you unhappy with the firmness of your breast?

If you:

  • Have unrealistic expectations this may not be for you. You should discuss this with your plastic surgeon.
  • Are not physically healthy, you would not be a good candidate for breast lift.
  • Are planning to have a child, consider waiting. Discuss this with your plastic surgeon. There are usually no special risks with pregnancy (you will still be able to breast feed) but your breasts are likely to be stretched again.


  • Reaction to the anesthesia.
  • Excessive bleeding following the operation may cause some swelling and pain.
  • Permanent loss of feeling in your nipples.
  • Uneven nipples.
  • Mastopexy does leave noticeable, permanent scars but they are covered by your bra or bathing suit.

The majority of women that have breast augmentation do not experience these complications. You should, during you initial consultation with your plastic surgeon, discuss all possible risks and complications. Also, be sure to ask your plastic surgeon about the longevity of the implants, the warranty on the implants, and questions about regular breast health.

The Procedure

Breast Lift (mastopexy) usually takes 1-3.5 hours. There are multiple techniques used for mastopexy, but the most common is an anchor-shaped incision. This follows the natural curve, or shape of the breast. This incision will outline the area of where the breast skin will be removed, and also will identify the new location of your nipple. When the excess skin is removed, the nipple, and areola, are repositioned to the elevated position. The skin is then brought down and reshapes the breast. Your plastic surgeon will usually put the stitches around the areola, and also along the lower crease of the breast.

If you are having a breast lift, with implants (which is a very common procedure) the implant will be placed in a pocket, directly under the breast tissue, or deeper, under the muscle of the chest.

Patients with smaller breasts and nominal sagging, may get a version of the breast lift that requires less incisions. One common procedure is the “doughnut breast lift” or “doughnut mastopexy.”