Augmentation mastopexy, or a breast lift with implants, will provide reshaping and volumizing for the breasts, giving you total breast enhancement. One vital part of this procedure is the augmentation mastopexy recovery period after the surgery.
For about one week of augmentation mastopexy recovery, the patient should stay home from work and avoid performing their typical everyday tasks. They should spend this time recuperating from the surgery. After this week is complete, they can usually return to their job and their everyday schedule.
Set up a consultation with an experienced plastic surgeon to find out more about augmentation mastopexy recovery and the right ways to treat your body during this time. To do this, contact our office today. At The Plastic Surgery Center, we provide numerous aesthetic procedures and are happy to answer any questions you may have.
Filed under: breast augmentation, breast lift with implants, augmentation mastopexy recovery, breasts