The breasts are among the most visible aspects of a woman’s body. The way they look and feel is incredibly important for some women, and when they don’t live up to their expectations, it can be a major source of insecurity and cause a significant decrease in confidence.
There are a variety of reasons why the breasts may not look the way you want them to. These reasons include the aging process, giving birth, or bad lifestyle habits. They can all affect the volume and firmness of your breasts.
Improve The Look of Your Breasts with a Breast Lift
In order to reclaim the youthful contours of your breasts, a breast lift surgery is what you need. A breast lift is a surgical procedure that is used to improve the look of the breasts. It can give you the perky and youthful look you desire. It is the ideal solution for women who have:
• Disproportionate breasts
• Excess loose skin that causes the breasts to sag
• Droopy nipples
Are You a Good Candidate?
An ideal candidate for this makeover procedure will be someone who:
• Is between the ages of 18-65.
• Does not smoke.
• Maintains a healthy lifestyle.
• Has an end aim of augmentation, reduction of breasts or breast lift.
• Has realistic expectations.
To find out if you will be a good candidate for the procedure, you should schedule a consultation with an experienced surgeon. During the consultation, you can discuss your needs and goals, as well as your previous medical history. You must be in good health to undergo the procedure and be free of any underlying conditions that may adversely affect the results you acquire. You must also be ready to follow any instructions given to you by your doctor.
What to Expect During the Procedure
The process may vary depending on your individual needs and goals. After analyzing your body as a whole, your surgeon will make suggestions on how to improve the contours of your breasts. The surgical process may involve making incisions to gain access to the underlying tissues around the breasts region and the removal of excess fat and skin.
Once the necessary tissue is removed, your doctor will tighten the remaining skin and close the incisions. The result is an aesthetically pleasing breasts that will look good in any outfit.
Recovering From the Procedure
After the treatment is completed, it is important for you to take the necessary time to recover. This will require you to take some time off work to relax. You should also refrain from performing any strenuous activities that can cause complications.
Expected Costs
The cost for a breast lift can differ from patient to patient based on the following factors
• The anatomy of the patient.
• The results desired by the patient.
• The technique used to perform the procedure.
Contact Our Office
A breast lift can be the solution to your breast problems. If you would like to learn more about the treatment, contact the Plastic Surgery Center to schedule a consultation with an experienced surgeon today!