Don’t smile! Don’t frown! Don’t whistle! Don’t yawn! Don’t kiss! Don’t raise an eyebrow! Don’t show any emotion of any kind at anytime. Especially don’t ever feel stressed. If you do, at least don’t show it! Don’t go in the sun! And, whatever you do, don’t inherit genes that predispose you to a heavy brow! If you’re thinking of doing any of the above, don’t, because if you do, you’re likely at some point in your life to experience drooping eyebrows and lines or furrows that can give you an aged appearance that says to the rest of the world, “I’m tired” or “I’m upset.”
So, now that you know what not to do, what are you going to do? What can you do? Well, you can ignore all of the above, live life on your terms and DO what more and more men and women in the Granite Bay area are doing everyday – contact the Plastic Surgery Center about a forehead lift in Sacramento.
If you’re considering a brow lift, Sacramento’s Plastic Surgery Center on Scripps Drive can help. Call (916) 848-5780 to schedule a consultation today.
Everything You Need To Know – And More – About a Short Scar Brow Lift
Although the majority of forehead lifts in Sacramento continue to be the traditional, open variety, you might be a candidate for the endoscopic or “short scar” brow lift. Your surgeon at the Plastic Surgery Center can discuss with you options, incision size and locations, and make recommendations based upon your age, the condition of your skin, and your bone structure.
Regardless of whether your doctor advises the open or short scar brow lift, it’s possible to enjoy a more youthful looking appearance and a more energetic expression for as long as 10 years. For even further facial rejuvenation, many patients in Sacramento combine their forehead with eyelid surgery or a facelift in Sacramento.
How a Brow Lift Is Performed
Endoscopic surgery – surgery involving the use of a fiber optic video camera attached to monitor – has been used extensively in Gynecology and Orthopedics for years. Today, it also allows a plastic surgeon to see inside the body without the requirement of a long incision. In fact, in the case of a forehead lift, it allows for 3 to 5 small or “short” incisions, rather than one, large continuous cut. The benefits of the short incisions include less scarring, less loss of blood, less sensory loss and shorter recovery times. Ultimately, in both procedures, your surgeon removes or modifies muscles and tissue beneath the skin, while usually lifting the brows and securing them into place. The result of either surgery is raised eyebrows and a smoother forehead with less frown lines and furrows. Prior to any cosmetic surgery procedure, be sure to follow your plastic surgeon’s instructions on taking medications and vitamins, eating, drinking and stopping smoking.
What To Expect After Your Forehead Lift
Although when compared to the traditional forehead lift, side effects are less with the endoscopic brow lift, it’s still to be expected that you might experience some initial, minor discomfort, including numbness and an itchiness. Medications will minimize any pain you might experience. You should expect to be up and around after 1 to 2 days; around this time, if a bandage was applied, it will be removed and you will be free to wash your hair. Makeup may be utilized to conceal any minor swelling or bruising. In most instances, patients are back at work in 7 to 10 days, although you should plan in the first week to relax, while refraining from strenuous activities – anything that might raise your blood pressure – for at least two weeks. Three weeks after your plastic surgery, you should begin to see a fading of the signs of surgery. It’s recommended you limit both your time in the sun and to heat for at least the first couple of months.
An endoscopic forehead lift is a technically complicated surgery that not just any plastic surgeon can or should perform. Demand the best. Experience is important and special training courses are required. All the plastic surgeons at the Plastic Surgery Center in Sacramento have the training and the expertise you should insist upon.
Call (916) 848-5780 now to learn more about medical spa services, facial rejuvenation and cosmetic surgery procedures for both men and women, such as a brow lift. Sacramento plastic surgeons at The Skin Care Center and at The Plastic Surgery Center make enhancing the body, mind and spirit easy. With offices on Scripps Drive in Sacramento and in Granite Bay, looking and feeling your best is convenient as well.
Be sure to reserve your spot at a Free Seminar hosted by The Plastic Surgery Center in Sacramento and get expert insight into such subjects as breast augmentation and tummy tucks. Or, simply request a consultation and begin working with one of our patient coordinators right away.
Benefits of Brow Lift
Line and Wrinkle Reduction
As collagen production declines and years of accumulated sun damage make your forehead skin thinner, lines that once only appeared on your face when you made certain expressions will start to look like permanent indentations. By tightening the skin, brow lift helps to diminish the creases across your forehead as well as the vertical frown lines between your brows.
Eyebrow Elevation
Eyebrows tend to sit higher on the forehead when you are younger, but sagging skin later causes the brows to droop. Brow lift recreates an appealing, youthful arch with a rounder shape.
Addressing Eyelid Sagging
Heavy, drooping skin on the forehead can weigh down your eyelids, making it more difficult to open your eyelids completely. While upper eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) is the primary procedure for dealing with this cosmetic issue, brow lift can make a significant improvement as well.
Creating a Friendly Appearance
Because the lines on your face are often associated with negative expressions like anger and frustration, others may consciously or unconsciously perceive you to have a negative mood when they see these lines on your face. By reducing these lines, brow lift can make you seem more approachable to other people. It also makes it easier to communicate your true emotions with your face.
Brow Lift FAQs
Why do your plastic surgeons prefer the endoscopic brow lift approach?
An endoscope allows our plastic surgeons to more carefully manipulate the skin and underlying muscles to create a smooth, natural-looking forehead that makes you look younger. Furthermore, because endoscopic brow lift is a less invasive procedure, the associated recovery tends to be briefer and easier, with fewer risks for complications.
How much does brow lift cost?
Each brow lift performed by the renowned plastic surgeons at The Plastic Surgery Center is customized to the aesthetic preferences of the patient. Therefore, the price will depend on your customized surgical plan. Brow lift is a cosmetic, elective procedure, so it is not covered by insurance. However, financing options are available through CareCredit to help patients pay for the procedure.
Can I combine brow lift with another cosmetic surgery?
Yes. In fact, our plastic surgeons often combine brow lift with one or more plastic surgeries. It is popular with patients who have facelift because it allows them to rejuvenate the upper and lower portions of their face simultaneously. Brow lift is also commonly paired with blepharoplasty to maximize the rejuvenation around the eyes, an area where signs of aging can be most visible.
How long do endoscopic brow lift results last?
While brow lift is very effective at reversing the effects of aging, it cannot stop the aging process moving forward. After about a decade, you may notice that your eyebrow has begun to sag, with lines settling on your forehead again. To maintain your results, you may decide to undergo another cosmetic procedure at that point.
Can I avoid surgery with a non-invasive treatment?
Injectable treatments are successful at smoothing the forehead and elevating the eyebrows, so that is certainly an option for you if you are not interested in undergoing surgery. The downside to injectable treatments is that they must be repeated multiple times per year to maintain the results. Given that endoscopic brow lift is a lighter surgery with minimal, easy-to-conceal scarring, you may see the benefits to choosing brow lift even if you would not normally seek plastic surgery.