The effects of age may be unavoidable, but they’re not inescapable. If you’ve got deep facial wrinkles, deeper than those
Botox is known for correcting, you may be interested in a dermal filler called Radiesse (formerly Radiance).
Radiesse is a type of injectable facelift. Because it’s not surgical in nature, it won’t cause the kind of strong tissue damage that more-invasive plastic surgeries do. Thus, the recovery time is typically non-existent. When there is minimal swelling, recovery time will be very quick.
To get rid of those wrinkles and start looking younger sooner, choose Radiesse. Find out more about this and other dermal fillers by speaking with the friendly staff at The Plastic Surgery Center. You can set up a consultation by contacting our office.
Filed under: non-surgical, radiesse, volume, dermal filler, facial rejuvenation