Wrinkles and folds that form in the skin of the face are telltale signs that a person is getting older. Nobody wants to look as old as they are – they want to look as young as they feel inside! With Restylane injections, patients can fill in their lines and wrinkles to get the smooth, youthful face they deserve.
Restylane is a dermal filler with many benefits, including the fact that it is a non-animal product. Because it is composed of hyaluronic acid that is synthetic in nature, patients will not have to worry about having an allergic reaction to the product.
Patients can count on quality aesthetic treatments when they visit The Plastic Surgery Center, a well-respected facility in the Sacramento area. Take the first step to effective wrinkle reduction – contact our office and schedule a Restylane consultation.
Filed under: injectables, minimally invasive, restylane, wrinkles, dermal-filler options