Preop and 8 months postop.
This is a 33 year-old female who is 5’3” tall and weighs 130 lbs. She presented to discuss options of body contouring. Approximately 13 years prior she underwent a gastric bypass and lost 150 lbs. 12 years ago she had an abdominoplasty with a circumferential thigh lift. She was pleased with the outcome of the abdominoplasty but unhappy with the results of the thigh lift. She was bothered by persistent fullness and poor contour throughout the thighs as well as continued skin laxity and excess. In addition, she disliked the significant amount of skin that remained to her upper arms after the weight loss. Lastly, she had lost all of the fullness in her breasts and desired breast augmentation. Therefore, she underwent an extended inner thigh lift with circumferential liposuction and re-contouring to correct the deficiencies in the thighs. She also had an upper arm brachioplasty to remove the excess residual skin. Finally, she had a breast augmentation with Mentor smooth round high profile silicone implants, size 500cc. The implants were placed subpectorally via inframammary fold incisions. Post-operatively she was approximately a full D cup.