Does your chin feel too small for your face? Are you unhappy with the appearance of wrinkles in the corner of your mouth that stretch down to your jawline? If you’re not happy with the way your chin looks, you can achieve your ideal appearance with a chin implant.
An implant-based chin augmentation procedure is designed to change the size and shape of the chin. Some surgeons might use the patient’s own tissues for the augmentation, but the procedure is usually done with implants. Others may also make use of injectables such as Radiesse to further enhance the chin augmentation results.
Why Chin Augmentation?
Having a recessed or weak chin is considered to be an aesthetic imperfection, because it disrupts the overall balance of your face. During the analysis of your chin’s appearance, your surgeon will analyze two key factors. First, is the chin actually weak in terms of projection? Second, what is the size of the implant needed for correcting the insufficient projection?
With the insertion of an implant, the appearance of the chin can be altered in two distinct ways: the implant can help enhance the chin’s projection and its convexity.
The implant-based chin augmentation procedure is very quick and takes less than an hour to complete. If for any reason you decide that an implant isn’t right for you after the procedure, it is possible to get it removed.
Types of Chin Implants
There are two different types of implants that may be used for a chin augmentation procedure:
Silicone: These are among the most preferred types of implants used in chin augmentation procedures. Silicone implants are smooth, soft, and flexible. They are available in numerous shapes and sizes. These implants generally stay put and are easily removable.
Polyethylene: These chin implants are porous, hard, and inflexible. They also come in a range of different shapes and sizes. The adjoining tissues have the freedom to grow into the material pores, and this helps fix polyethylene implants into place.
Your plastic surgeon will help determine which implant technique is best for you. To begin the procedure, your surgeon will either make an incision inside your lower lip or below the chin. A pocket-like skin fold is made to accommodate the implant.
You’ll be able to see results immediately after the procedure. You may experience minor discomfort, swelling, and decreased movement in the chin area for about a week. Patients are usually instructed to leave all splints and bandages in place for seven days and to get sufficient rest during the recovery period.
It is important to avoid lifting heavy weights and performing other intense physical activities for at least a few weeks after the procedure. This encourages proper healing and excellent results. Although you’re expected to recover within three to four months, most people won’t be able to tell you had a plastic surgery after one week.
Chin implants have a very natural appearance, and the procedure does not leave any significant bruises, meaning your chin and jawline will look smooth and beautiful for a long period of time. This makes implant-based chin augmentation a great surgery for those with a weak or double chin.
Contact Our Office
You can achieve a more desirable appearance with a chin augmentation. Contact us to schedule a consultation to learn more about chin implants and how they can benefit you. All of the surgeons at the Plastic Surgery Center are board certified and are here to help you gain the results you desire.