After having children, you might discover that your body has irrevocably changed. Despite regular exercise and a healthy diet, you may have excess skin and fat in your lower abdomen and your breasts may look saggy and deflated.
Mommy makeover is a process that addresses these changes and helps you reclaim the youthful, attractive body you enjoyed before children. By combining abdominal and breast procedures, mommy makeover with the team at The Plastic Surgery Center can give you a flatter, firmer abdomen and perkier, sexier breasts.
One of the keys to a successful mommy makeover is timing it correctly. There are factors that you must consider when timing your surgery to achieve the best results.
Recover From Pregnancy and Childbirth
Your body must have enough time to heal after giving birth before you consider elective plastic surgery. This is highly individualized — some women need to wait about six months after giving birth, others need up to a year or more. Talk to your doctor about what is right for you.
Wean Your Baby
You will need to postpone your mommy makeover until at least three to six months after you stop breast-feeding. This allows your breast size and shape to stabilize somewhat, which helps the plastic surgeon make a more accurate assessment during the surgical planning.
Lose Your Baby Weight
Being at or within 10 to 15 pounds of your target weight is also critical to achieve optimal results. If you fluctuate in weight or plan to lose weight after mommy makeover, you might not see the best results.
Procure Help for Your Recovery
For the first few weeks of recovery from surgery, your range of motion and activity level will be greatly affected. For instance, you will not be permitted to lift anything heavy, bend over or run after your kids. Make sure you time your surgery when you know you can get help with childcare (particularly if you have very young children).
Are Finished Having Children
Finally, it is best to have your mommy makeover when you are reasonably sure you are finished having children. Breast and abdominal surgery do not interfere with the ability to become pregnant or have a healthy baby; however, pregnancy can “undo” some of the benefits of mommy makeover.
Another important decision you will have to make about mommy makeover is the surgeon you select to perform the procedures. The surgeon should be highly experienced and very talented. For more information about the board-certified plastic surgeons at The Plastic Surgery Center, please contact our practice today.