Breast augmentation can be customized to achieve the desired look and feel. Our board-certified plastic surgeons at The Plastic Surgery Center will discuss all available options for implant type, size and placement. They may recommend combining breast enhancement with breast lift for fuller and perkier breasts.
Saline and Silicone Breast Implants
We offer saline and silicone breast implants at our Sacramento and Granite Bay offices.
Saline implants consist of silicone shells that are filled with sterile saline (salt water) after the shell has been surgically placed in the body. These implants, which are FDA-approved for people 18 and older, offer a uniform shape, firmness and feel. (Some saline breast implants are structured with inner partitions that promote a more natural feel.) In case of leak or rupture, the implant collapses, and the saline is absorbed and expelled by the body.
Silicone breast implants are filled with a silicone gel that closely mimics the natural feel of breast tissue. If a silicone implant leaks or ruptures, that gel remains within the shell or leaks into the breast implant pocket or scar capsule. The implant won’t collapse, and you may not know about the complication for some time, which is why MRIs or ultrasounds are recommended at regular intervals to evaluate implant integrity after breast augmentation. Silicone implants are FDA-approved for those 22 and older and may come with a “gummy bear” silicone implant option that uses a highly cohesive gel to maintain its shape if the shell breaks.
Implant Shape and Texture
Breast implants come in various shapes and textures. Round breast implants are symmetrical and offer a fuller breast appearance with a higher profile on the chest. There’s no concern about breast appearance if a round implant rotates. Tear-drop-shaped breast implants are tapered at the top and fuller at the bottom, imitating the natural slope of the breast. However, a teardrop implant can cause an unusual breast appearance if it rotates.
Smooth breast implants provide the softest feel and may move in the breast implant pocket, creating a natural-appearing movement, though they may be more prone to visible rippling under the skin. Textured breast implants create scar tissue in the breast implant pocket that sticks to the implant, helping hold it in place and reducing the risk of repositioning.
Breast Implant Placement Options
The precise placement of a breast implant can impact the look and feel of your breast augmentation results and may affect your recovery. Subglandular and submuscular are the primary implant placement options. The right implant placement depends on the patient’s anatomy, such as muscle density and mass and the amount of natural breast tissue.
Subglandular, aka “over-the-muscle,” implant placement involves placing the implant between the breast tissue and chest muscle. The implant sits below the breast glands, improving the odds of breastfeeding in the future. Subglandular implants tend to stay in position during physical activity and may cause less discomfort after surgery. However, results may not appear as natural, and mammograms are not as accurate. Capsular contracture seems more common with subglandular placement, which occurs when the scar capsule hardens and tightens or squeezes around the implant.
Submuscular placement puts the saline or silicone implant under the pectoralis major chest muscle and offers more natural-looking breast augmentation results. This placement option may involve a longer and more uncomfortable recovery but has reduced rates of capsular contracture and more accurate imaging.
Schedule a Breast Augmentation Consultation in Sacramento
If you’re interested in breast augmentation, contact The Plastic Surgery Center in Sacramento at (916) 929-1833 or Granite Bay at (916) 773-5559 to schedule your consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons.